Black Panther


He made his ways in the darkest nights,
a ruthless predator, ready to strike and kill.
His eyes were lit by the moon's diamond lights,
looking at his prey from of his hill.

One night he got lost and end up in town,
a world where he wasn't the king,
on a strange territory that wasn't his own.
He found his death in a bullet, his cry kept lingering.

 © Angel Svensson


The power of life


Every problem is a challenge
and every fall means another chance.
A door that's left ajar isn't closed,
but it is waiting to become fully exposed.

When it's not much you have left,
when you think you're just a daft,
in these times you should remember what you have
and not run back into the safety cave.

Fighting may seem exhausting and hard,
but it's better then breaking your heart.
You are not too blind to see,
that giving up is much too easy.

When the world seems to be against you,
you just have to step out of the blue.
Opportunities will be given and many will answer your call,
because the power of life is very tall.

© Angel Svensson